10am PT / 1pm ET
Doug Drexler

Makeup, Art, and VFX on TNG, DS9, VGR, and ENT!

11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET
Gary Graham

You know Gary as Ambassador Soval on ENT and Tanis on VGR as well as Sork in the upcoming Assassins Apprentice II!

12:30pm PT / 3:30pm ET
5th Passenger panel

Tim Russ (Tuvok), Hana Hatae (Molly O’Brien) , and others discuss 5th Passenger, an incredible sci-fi/thriller starring TEN past and present Star Trek actors.

2pm PT / 5pm ET
Star Trek Science live Q&A panel

Have all your Star Trek science questions answered by this amazing panel of experts! Special guests: Dr. Erin Macdonald, astrophysicist and Star Trek Science Consultant; Dr. Mohamed Noor, Professor of Biology, Dean of Natural Sciences, and Star Trek Science Consultant; and Dr. Michael L. Wong , Planetary Scientist and Astrobiologist.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET
Mary Chieffo

You know Mary as Chancellor L’Rell of Star Trek Discovery... or maybe you just know her as “Mother.”
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

4:45pm PT / 7:45pm ET
Falling Tower presents: WTF Star Trek Enterprise

Why doesn’t Enterprise ever get the respect it deserves?! Michael Kenyon Rosenberg, Ryan T. Husk, Stephanie K., and Bridget Fitzgerald review the first episode of Star Trek Enterprise in Falling Tower’s hilarious weekly show, “Watch the First” (WTF). Let’s show ENT some love! One of them has an ENT podcast – guess which one it is! Location:

6pm PT / 9pm ET
Fan compilation video: Star Trek Podcasts

A compilation of fans, introducing their cool Star Trek podcasts!

6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET
Star Trek Trivia Night

Join Dan Mason for one of his famously fun and exciting Star Trek trivia nights. This event is completely interactive! You can answer questions and compete with your fellow Trek fans – it’s so much fun!

7:30pm PT / 10:30pm ET
Gary Graham

A second premiere of the interview for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!

8:30pm PT / 11:30pm ET
5th Passenger panel

A second premiere of the fantastic panel (with Tim Russ, Hana Hatae, and others) for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!

9:30pm PT / 12:30am ET
Doug Drexler

A second premiere of the interview for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!
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