9am PT / 12pm ET

Captain Rios’s Hospitality Room

Join the good people at STARFLEET Command and the USS Aron Eisenberg in their pre-con Zoom room. There, Rex A. Wood, Heather Jordan, and John Tufarella can answer all your questions about operating a zoom room (if you’re a vendor), how and where to watch (if you’re new to the virtual con world), and/or just talk about all the upcoming events and which you are most looking forward to!

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 885 8294 4238 Passcode: Starfleet

10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET

The Promenade

Here it is! The highlight of every convention is the big vendors room. And we’re doing it virtually! The Promenade will be bustling with shops and merchants of all kinds. This whole event is for THEM, as many of them have been hit so hard by the cancellations of conventions this year. So please, visit every virtual table, say hello to your friends, share a laugh, and hopefully, buy some things you’ll love! By the way, you never know whom you might run into at The Promenade! Follow the link below and check out all the shops! (This is done via Zoom/Skype and lasts 90 minutes.)

Schedule of vendors:

Categorized schedule of vendors:

12pm PT / 3pm ET
Pre-Con Viewing – Falling Tower presents: “WTF Umbrella Academy"
Michael Kenyon Rosenberg and Ryan T. Husk are joined by special guests, Josh Sussman (Glee) and Bridget Fitzgerald (SmileyBridgeTV), to review the first episode of The Umbrella Academy in Falling Tower’s hilarious weekly show, “Watch the First!” Shout out to Eve England for suggesting this series.

1:30pm PT / 4:30pm ET

VTC Opening Ceremonies

Meet Cirroc Lofton, Ryan T. Husk, and the team behind Virtual Trek Con. In this Q&A format, they will explain how this huge event will work, as well as answer any questions you might have. A virtual event of this type and magnitude is one-of-a-kind, so there will be a LOT to talk about!

The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

3pm PT / 6pm ET

Mike McMahan

The head honcho and genius behind the shows Rick & Morty, Solar Opposites, and of course, Lower Decks!! What a great way to kick off the interviews at VTC2! Moderated by Ryan T. Husk and Cirroc Lofton.

4pm PT / 7pm ET

The Roddenberries present:

“To Virtually Go: Creating a Rock Cabaret in a new performance era”

A 60-minute discussion with The Roddenberries focusing on evaluating and overcoming the challenges and restrictions of creating a large-scale rock cabaret in this unprecedented climate of a global pandemic with a behind the scenes, sneak peek into the upcoming "Showdown 2020."


5pm PT / 8pm ET

Lambda Quadrant Game Night

So you think you know your Star Trek props? Come join Lambda Quadrant for a reveal the picture puzzle game where you can try to guess the Star Trek prop. But there's a twist, make us laugh with a wrong answer and score bonus points


6pm PT / 9pm ET

The 7th Rule presents: DS9’s “Improbable Cause”

Cirroc Lofton and Ryan T. Husk take a trip down memory lane and review the first episode of this very memorable fan-favorite two-parter. (The second episode, “The Die is Cast,” review will be on Monday at 5pm PT / 8pm ET!)

7:30pm PT / 10:30pm ET

Mike McMahan

A second premiere of the interview with the showrunner of Lower Decks for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!

8:30pm PT / 11:30pm ET

Watch Discovery!!!

That’s it. Just go watch the brand new episode of Discovery that just dropped, and then join The 7th Rule’s review of it tomorrow at 6pm PT / 9pm ET!

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